Diagnostic Methods
We combine objective (lab tests) and subjective (applied kinesiology) methods of testing in our practice.
Lab tests take place between the first appointment and the intake (Anamnese). Results will be discussed during intake, after which the therapy starts.
Step I:
Walsh Test (see Walsh Institute)
Other blood work
According to Dr. William Walsh, specific parameters in blood and urine can hint at epigenetic issues.
Those are:
- Whole blood histamine (which is not the same as histamine in serum, which is worthless in terms of determining epigenetic issues)
- Zinc in Plasma (not serum)
- Copper in Serum (not plasma)
- Ceruloplasmin in serum
- HPL in urine
Whole blood histamine is a methylation test. We also work with another methylation test in blood, but it is only suitable for the detection of undermethylation (doctor’s data). We will apply this test should you be taking medication that interferes with whole blood histamine.
Zinc, copper, ceruloplasmin tell us about imbalances between zinc and copper as well as issues concerning metallothionein (MT).
HPL in urine will hint at pyrolle disorder.
Note: Some colleagues detect methylation disorders through genetic testing. These tests want to find out whether there is a mutation in the gene MTHFR. Should that be the case, this school of thought assumes undermethylation. Prominent representatives of this theory are Dr. Ben Lynch and Amy Kasko. Dr. Walsh, however, insists that methylation is not defined by just one gene, but the result of many different gene expressions. Testing the blood will reveal the net result of methylation, not just a specific potential (which might be indicated by the mutated MTHFR gene). In our practice, we are very convinced that Dr. Walsh’s method is the correct method of diagnosing methylation issues properly and will not rely on genetic tests for that matter.
Find out more about this here.
You can also read more in Dr. Walsh’s book.
We use Dr. Walsh’s lab in the US for some of our testing and a part of the tests are run by German labs. The Walsh Test brings about some logistic issues:
- Blood samples need to be centrifuged within a specific time frame
- Blood samples need to be frozen for transport immediately or after centrifuging
- Blood samples need to be packed with dry ice and shipped to the US over night
- Dry ice shipments require special labelling and custom waivers
- Blood samples will only keep for a certain amount of time (3 weeks at most)
In order to save shipping costs for the patients, we collect samples within a certain time period prior to shipping them to the US.
Find out more about the specifics of the Walsh Test here.
Step II
Metabolic test through hair mineral analysis from Verisana labs
By running this metabolic test we obtain information concerning the function of the metabolism and the hormonal system as well as mineral status.
In later stages, we might also apply saliva testing, specific tests for the immune system (Micro Immune Therapy), tests to detect food intolerances, among others.
Picture: By Pearson Scott Foresman – Archives of Pearson Scott Foresman, donated to the Wikimedia Foundation (detail), Wikipedia