Katia Trost
Alternative Practitioner Katia Trost
Katia Trost has been an alternative healing practitioner and therapist for many years, specializing in hormone balance. Due to her own personal life story, she had to take charge of the serious hormonal issue she had in the past. She was one of the first therapists in Germany who was well-versed in “natural hormones”, and conducted seminars on this very topic for doctors and alternative practitioners. Over time, not as convinced as before with the results of the existing treatments, she grappled with a great variety of different fields of discipline, such as physiology, biochemistry, theory of evolution, psychology and the nervous system, in order to get to the bottom of what was responsible for hormonal disorders. In doing so, she found out that hormone substitutes are seldom required, as long as body regulation is respected. However, if you look at the body as a faulty machine, even seemingly well-chosen natural hormone substitutes and therapies may yield either no results at all, undesired results or even completely paradoxical ones. Her treatment plan is holistic and targets the body’s self-regulation as regards hormones. She maintains a cause-based practice in Hamburg, where hormonal disorders are understood and treated as a complex and systematic topic.
Curriculum Vitae
1980 Born in Sandviken, Sweden
1982-1990 Raised in São Paulo, Brazil
From 1990 Attended schools in various locations in Germany
1997-1998 Private school scholarship in Dallas, Texas
2000 Final secondary school examination in Reinbek
2000-2001 Studied Cultural Activities in Potsdam
2001-2007 Studied Law at Hamburg University
2006-2007 Completed first final law exams and master’s thesis on the topic of “Alternative Practitioners in Europe”
2007-2009 Alternative Practitioner training at the Medikus Centrum für Ganzheitliche Medizin (Medikus Center for Holistic Medicine) under Dr. Jan Arndt, further training courses in Homeopathy
Since 21.01.2009 Registered as Alternative Practitioner
2009 Clinical traineeship at the internal ward of the Paracelsus Klinik Kaltenkirchen
Since 2009 Employed as an Alternative Practitioner at her own practice
From 2009 Employed as a lecturer on Legal Studies and Infectious Diseases at the Medikus Centrum für Ganzheitliche Medizin and at the HPA Lübeck and Norderstedt
Since 2010 Studied “Healing Positions” with Nicola Marien, Dipl. Psych.
Training in Miasmatic Homeopathy and the Gienow Method (named after Peter Gienow)
From 2011 Specialist practice for hormone balance, developing her own method for Hormonal System Regulation with functional Hormone Disorders
From 2013-2014 Lecturer on Hormone Balance for Verisana GmbH Laboratory
From 2015 Independent Lecturer: “Become a Hormone Coach!”
2016 Training to become Trauma Therapist according to the Comprehensive Resource Model
Since 2019 licensed in the INPP Method for the integration of early childhood reflexes
Developed a therapy concept that focuses mainly on personal development www.integral-evolution.com
April 2019 Publication of her book “Wege aus der Hormonfalle” (German only)
October 2019 start of the “Hormonconnection Podcast” (German only)
You can find more information on Katia Trost’s projects at www.katiatrost.de