Katia Trost and Team – Healing Practice for Alternative and Regulatory Hormone Therapy in Hamburg
Regulatory and cause-based therapy of the hormone system in Hamburg
For many years, my team and I have specialized in the therapy of hormonal and metabolic disorders.
In our practice, we treat disorders of the thyroid gland, the adrenal glands and the gender hormones, but also digestive complaints, chronic fatigue and many other conditions and symptoms that may be associated with a hormonal or metabolic system disorder.
In our opinion, hormone problems are only the visible tip of the iceberg, whereas the causal treatment of hormonal disorders involves deeper causes, which are usually not originating in the hormonal system itself.
My own unique method
Through my own research in the fields of biochemistry, naturopathy, psychology, etc., I have developed my own method for the regulatory balance of the hormone system over the last 10 years.
It differs completely from the approach of school-taught medicine and from that of most of my healing practitioner colleagues.
This is the case for the approach to the problem, the testing and the therapies used, but also for the framework of the treatment.
Each treatment at our practice corresponds to an absolutely personalized effort and is performed through complex and lengthy follow-up work to every session of up to 1.5 hours, tailored to the individual needs of the patient.
In what follows, I would like to introduce you to the special features and the general conditions for a treatment for hormonal balance at our practice.
Regulation instead of substitution
Regulation means the following: The body returns to its hormonal balance without taking hormones.
In my experience, the answer to the question of how to get into hormonal balance without hormone substitution lies deep in our physiology (the functioning of our body), and is, to start with, based on an extraordinarily simple principle:
Ultimately, it comes down to energy.
Energy deficiency leads to hormone disorders
To be more precise, the issue is whether a lot or little energy is available.
Basically, hormone disorders, like all other health problems in my view, arise from an energy balance disorder.
The hormone system in the human body has the function of inducing a deliberate displacement of the hormone balance in case of an energy deficiency, so that the system can manage to survive despite scarce resources.
In a chronic condition, this shift leads to symptoms that are usually perceived as disorders of the hormone system, and (if one is lucky) diagnosed as such.
In my experience, it is really quite simple: estrogen dominance, hypothyroidism and adrenal gland problems, etc. have been created by nature deliberately as protective mechanisms in times of scarce energy resources!
Usually, this condition is simply called “stress”.
Stress and its consequences
The effects of stress have been extensively studied. “Chronic overwhelming stress leads to exhaustion. The exhaustion stage is characterized by energy loss and degeneration of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.”1Braun & Anderson, Pathophysiology, 2017, Kindle positions 12284-12286
The degeneration described above is ultimately also the most frequent cause of death, even if there may seem to be other apparent causes of death, such as infections, old age, poisoning, etc., as the pioneer of stress research, Dr. Hans Selye, described as early as 19502Selye, Stress and the General Adaptation Syndrome, D. H., 1950
While stress and its effects are absolutely undisputed phenomena in orthodox medicine, the consequences of this discovery are rarely taken into account.
If energy is the basis and the key for life, and a deficiency of energy is responsible for shifts of the hormone system in what is known as chronic stress, then a cause-based therapy of the hormone system can and must logically start at the level of energy production or its blockage.
Stress fully analyzed
With my method, I analyze the known consequences of stress to the fullest. Stress is not something abstract, but a biochemical process that has effects on all cells and organs – furthermore, this occurs in a predictable manner.
Hormones, in their role as messenger molecules, are the managers of the stress response of the body. If one finds the root causes of the energy deficiency in the body and eliminates them, at least theoretically, the hormone problems will resolve themselves on their own.
I explain the background of my method in greater detail in my book Wege aus der Hormonfalle (only available in German).
You can also learn more about my method in my HormonConnection podcast (only in German).
Therapeutic consequences
Opposed to its theory, the therapeutic practice of cause-based hormone therapy is much more difficult to accomplish. Hormone disorders are a non-specific response to stress, which in turn is a problem of insufficient energy resources. Unfortunately, there are numerous factors that can influence energy production and distribution in the body. This makes the natural regulation of hormonal disorders ultimately a very complex subject which sometimes must be treated at exhaustive length.
There is no way around this complexity, if you, as a patient, would like to strive towards regulatory hormone therapy.
An alternative perspective on the cause of diseases
In my opinion, hormonal disorders and most health disorders arise out of three components:
Drug-induced illness (iatrogenic causes) is an expression meaning an often permanent change in the original biochemistry of human beings resulting from the intake of medical drugs.3see Csoka, Epigenetic side-effects of common pharmaceuticals, 2009 By nutritional deficiencies I mean the lack of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc.). “Locus of Control Shift“4Schwarz, The Comprehensive Resource Model, 2017, Kindle position 471 is a mechanism induced by developmental trauma that can lead to self-sabotage and, in the worst cases, self-destruction.
What happens during regulatory hormonal therapy?
The complexity and development of hormonal disorders have very practical effects on the content of the therapy:
- Restoration of energy production on the cellular level: The foundation of the treatment consists of measures for the restoration of biochemical energy.
- Cause-based therapy: In order to treat functional hormonal disorders, we must first focus on the nervous system, the ability of the cells to produce energy, and, in most cases, the so-called “drug-induced illnesses”.
- Consistent implementation of a holistic approach: My complete therapy includes an individual sequence involving the following components: dietary change, dietary supplements, homeopathy, trauma therapy and the integration of early childhood reflexes.
- Innovative diagnostics: We test for epigenetic nutrient deficits and mitochondriopathies (among others), the interpretation of which allows us to draw conclusions about the production of individual neurotransmitters and hormones.
- Natural developmental sequences and hierarchies within the organ systems must be taken into account: Not all organ systems have the same amount of “power” in the body. If one treats systems that are located higher in the hierarchy, there are often synergistic effects at the lower levels. While naturopathy is based on a unity of body, mind and soul, this often has to be established first, so that body systems that are not fully developed can mature in a sequence prescribed by nature.
What is the procedure for regulatory therapy at my practice?
- Methodology based on a system: Behind all the treatment steps lies a concept that deals with the abovementioned topics in a well-defined order of priority. One proceeds starting from big to small, and from the inside outwards. The priority is to get the body out of survival mode (which equals stress). For this, energy, mood and sleep are very important at first, while digestive problems are less important, and skin and hair problems as well as weight problems have the lowest priority – in this respect, the guidelines of nature are the ones that must be followed rather than the desires of the patient. Hormonal disorders usually diminish in parallel and in a proportional manner, as soon as the body gets out of survival mode. Out of survival mode, the body will automatically take care of organs and tissues less crucial for survival.
- Testing methods: Testing for epigenetic nutrient defects (Walsh Test), a specific form of hair mineral analysis and complementary examinations are the main focus of the treatment. Testing the level of hormones in the blood plays a very minor role, as one can only see that something is wrong in the blood, but not what is actually wrong. The aspects we test are only those which will also be treated.
- Treatment in clinical contexts: Since the human being is the one being treated, not their medical data, the clinical and personal history of the patient play a major role. The patient’s symptoms must be evaluated in the context of their lifestyle, diet, family history and past medication use. For this, we need extensive questionnaires to be filled in by the patient.
- No “off-the-shelf” therapy: All treatment prescriptions are absolutely individual. Neither dietary supplements nor homeopathy can be recommended according to the “one size fits all” principle, because what helps one person might harm another. In addition, all treatment measures are coordinated at each appointment.
- Radical self-responsibility of the patient: We as therapists are only facilitators for the patient’s own process. Only the patient themselves can do it. Accordingly, most of the therapy takes place between appointments, with the patient implementing necessary changes in their life and addressing the reasons that led to his current symptoms. Our role as a therapist is advisory, and the patient always decides what they want to implement from our proposals. Basically, this approach only works if the patient is also willing to fully address the psychological causes of the issues they are experiencing.
- Therapy with a modular system: Since the requirements of each patient are different, the therapy is tailored to the individual needs of the patient according to a modular system. The individual building blocks include dietary changes, dietary supplements, homeopathy, the integration of early childhood reflexes and trauma therapy. As extras, Colon-Hydro Therapy, base wraps and also mindfulness- and trauma-oriented counseling are available.
- Follow-up work: The individuality of the approach can only be guaranteed by extensive follow-up work. This amounts to up to 1.5 hours per appointment for each patient.
For whom is regulatory therapy at our practice suitable?
- Where there’s a will, there’s a way: The therapy offered at our practice is suitable for all people who want a regulatory therapy for the hormonal system, and at the same time are ready to implement the necessary changes and measures in their lives.
- The therapy needs to fit into the life of the patient: The patient determines, after the initial interview and according to the information provided to them on this website and at the interview, whether they are willing to put in the temporal, emotional and financial effort required for the therapy at this time.
- The patient as a responsible person: Due to the complexity and effort involved in regulatory hormonal therapy, there are also organizational requirements for the therapy in which the patient must be involved. These include the contract-based regulation of the treatment, the filling of questionnaires, the appointments and the patient’s willingness to deal with detailed documentation, which must accompany the treatment at every successive step.
- The patient is willing to take responsibility for their emotions: in our experience, real therapy can only take place if the patient deals with all their unpleasant emotions, fears, insecurities, repressed anger, grief, sorrow, the consequences of their wrong decisions, etc. This is not a passive process, but an active one, which anyone who is seriously interested in improving their symptoms must go through. At this point, we can only help people help themselves.
- The patient is ready and able to commit to our complex treatment concept. In concrete terms, this means that the patient must be prepared to accept the treatment conditions we have set out. From an organizational point of view, a complex form of therapy for the benefit of all requires a certain organizational practice that both therapists and patients must respect. This starts with the proper reading of all our information, e-mails etc. and ends with respecting the appointments. In terms of content, the patient should be able and willing to engage in our therapy, even if he or she receives contradictory information from the internet, from friends, etc. We do things differently, and you must (also) be willing to implement it! We run a paperless practice and send information and treatment plans exclusively via electronic media.
We are aware that patients all have different paces and needs. That is why we start the treatment with an exploratory interview conducted by means of a first appointment (Ersttermin) before we go into the actual intake (Anamnese). During the treatment, we then offer patients various treatment packages and tools to ensure that the individual needs of the patient can be met.
It is important to us that the patient should agree with our therapy and want to pursue this path together with us. This is not about perfection, but about gradually making changes that are important for one’s own health. However, it is essential that the patient is willing to take a proactive approach to any blocks encountered during treatment, including additional (psychotherapeutic) measures if necessary.
Patient groups that we do not treat at our practice, because they are not compatible with our method:
- Patients who wish to undergo a treatment with estrogens (including nature-identical ones).
- Patients who wish to undergo a treatment with phytoestrogens.
- Patients who do not wish to stop using artificial hormones such as “the pill” or “hormone IUD” during the treatment. Of course, we are happy to help you with stopping the usage of these hormone preparations as well as with managing the consequences of discontinuing them!
- Patients who wish to continue taking hormone receptor modulators during treatment, e.g. tamoxifen, finasteride, clomifene, etc.
- Patients who do not wish to stop the regular intake of cortisone-containing medications (including drops, sprays, creams, tablets). In our experience, the natural balance of the adrenal glands is blocked by any intake of cortisone. Even the smallest dose of cortisone must be detoxed later, so that a permanent use of cortisone ultimately sabotages the natural regulation of the adrenal glands. Cortisone should be reserved for situations that are life-threatening or could cause serious health damage.
- Patients who are undergoing fertility treatment in parallel involving artificial hormones.
- Patients who are taking recreational drugs and who wish to continue to do so during treatment. This also applies to the occasional or ritual use of cannabis, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines such as ecstasy, ayahuasca, etc. We really have a zero-tolerance policy in this respect. We are happy to help you overcome these habits or the consequences of drug use in the past. Patients should be prepared to drastically reduce their alcohol consumption during treatment, i.e. to drink only 1-2 glasses of alcohol per week.
- We are only able to treat vegans on the condition that they are willing to give up the vegan diet. In our experience, a vegan diet is not suitable for bringing the hormonal system back into balance. In addition, some of the dietary supplements we use contain animal ingredients.
- Patients who wish to be healthy but are not ready to implement the abovementioned measures.
- Patients who want to continue taking vitamin D or other nutrients, even though we believe these are not suitable for them.
- Patients with silicone prosthetics (e.g. breast implants, see breast implant illness). We generally recommend the removal of these implants. We are happy to help with after-effects, of course.
- Patients seeking a spiritual caregiver or a substitute mother figure onto whom they can dump their problems, and whom they expect to comfort them regarding their problems instead of leading them to constructive solutions
- Patients looking for types of naturopathic doping or biohacking, which would allow them to maintain their previous lifestyle without any negative effects
- Patients who cannot or do not want to tolerate themselves, their fears and their pains, due to a lack of emotional autonomy, and therefore have to, or want to, dump their internal tensions at a therapist. We offer patients who seriously want to overcome this pattern the possibility of managing addictions and fears by means of therapeutic tools. Nevertheless, a sufficient degree of independence and independent perseverance is indispensable in the therapy we offer. There is no round-the-clock care provided, and even appointments to treat acute conditions may have to involve waiting. Nor are we able to go through all the documents we provide with patients in every detail and in a repeated manner. Of course, we are happy to answer specific questions within the framework provided by the therapy, after the patient has studied the documents independently. Of course, you can book appointments at any time for your requests.
- Patients who are only looking for information during treatment, so they can continue to practice their self-medication. We assume that our patients only visit us if they want serious advice. Our therapy concept is carefully coordinated in all respects, so that self-medication by the patient almost always leads to sabotaging the therapy. We can only work if the patient is willing to extend us their confidence in advance for the treatment we provide.
- Patients who want us to explain all our therapeutic decisions. As our concept is unique and built on a theoretical basis, we would have to start with the basics of human physiology in order to be able to give detailed information about individual treatment measures. This goes beyond the proper content and timeframe of treatment, and belongs to the training of a doctor, alternative practitioner or hormone coach.
- Patients who suffer from acute cancer. However, we are happy to treat you in the aftercare phase.
- Patients who cannot or do not want to follow the provisions of the organization of our practice. This includes patients who expect round-the-clock support, who cannot wait for appointments, or who are unable to use the Internet or a PC.
Patients we only treat with reservations::
- Persons who are missing organs (thyroid gland, uterus, ovaries, gallbladder) can be treated, but the work must be done under difficult conditions. Regulatory therapy may take place alongside substitution therapy in this case.
Your path to regulatory hormonal balance
The start of a therapy with us begins with the first appointment (Ersttermin). During this meeting, we work out the focus points of your concern and explore the possibilities for further cooperation.
The first conversation takes place by telephone or via Zoom. For the next stage in the treatment (intake), it is mandatory for the patient to visit us at least once in person at our practice in Hamburg (for the blood test or intake). This is required by law, so there can be no exceptions to this rule. After the personal introduction in Hamburg, the following course of therapy can then be carried out remotely.
Treatment recommendations are only received by the patient after the completion of the appropriate tests in the context of the intake.
Further information about the exact requirements of the therapy program for hormonal balance at our practice is available here.
Here you can learn about the cost of an individual hormonal balance program.
Image source: own collection